It's a new year and I have hit the ground running. I'm working out the details of the research trip to Europe, I'm writing and organizing the huge piles of research. I took a bit of a hiatus to apply for PhD programs and to deal with a computer issue.
My hard drive. It crashed. I did not cry. Also, I did not lose any data, which is why I did not cry.
I want to do a better job of blogging this year and keep everyone in the loop about the writing process for the Caftan book and my teaching schedule. I have a pretty good idea of my schedule through mid-summer, but until I know if I've been accepted into a PhD program and where, it's hard to make solid plans beyond that. However, I am happy to travel to teach and do workshops both for textile history and for dance, so if you'd like me to come to your neck of the woods, let me know and I'll see what I can work into my schedule.
So here is the tentative calendar for the first half of 2017. Class descriptions can be found here:
Feb 4:Midwinter Arts and Sciences, Carrollton GA
Instant Gratification Embroidery
Persian Dance
March 11-19: Gulf Wars, Lumberton MS
A History of Caftans, hopefully twice
Persian Dance Technique
Persian Dance Improvisation
Darbhukastan Independence Day: schedule pending
April 7-9 Fool's War, Macon GA
Europe Research Trip: mid-April through mid-May
DC Research Trip: I'll be researching at the Textile Museum June 19-23. If someone wanted to host a seminar/workshop in DC or within a few hours drive the weekend of the 23-25th, I'd be happy to stay on.
Royal University of Meridies: schedule pending
Pennsic, hopefully
Except for DID, these are all SCA events. If you are unfamiliar with the organization, start here. We are a fun group, you should come hang out with us.